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Buying and Selling Safely During COVID-19

At autoTRADER, we are here to serve our customers. With the health and safety of our customers a top priority, we urge that interactions remain online and postpone non-essential transactions between private buyers and sellers in light of the developments of COVID-19.

Buying and Selling Safely During COVID-19
At autoTRADER, we are here to serve our customers. With the health and safety of our customers a top priority, we urge that interactions remain online and postpone non-essential transactions between private buyers and sellers in light of the developments of COVID-19.
Meeting Only When Essential
Our fraud and safety tips are important to still follow – we still recommend you physically inspect a vehicle in-person in a public and safe space before purchasing a vehicle. However, in light of the developments of COVID-19, we urge that our users postpone non-essential transactions.
If the transaction is essential and you must meet to buy or sell, please take these measures from the Public Health Agency of Canada guidelines for good personal health habits and preventive actions for COVID-19.
Change how you greet one another as respiratory illnesses such as COVID-19 are spread through contact. Keep a distance of two metres when meeting. Rather than shaking hands, a friendly wave can reduce your exposure.
Proper hygiene can help reduce the risk of infection. Practice frequent handwashing for 20 seconds with soap and water. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands.
Clean high touch surfaces frequently. After coming in contact with high touch surfaces, such as steering wheels or door handles, use hand sanitizer or wash your hands thoroughly.
Should you experience any symptoms of illness prior to an essential transaction, regardless of how mild, we ask our customers to remain home and only meet in-person once they have fully recovered.
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